
I'd like to share a bit about my own transformation journey to give you insight into the experiences that shaped my coaching approach. From a young age, I fell in love with philosophy, seeking wisdom for a fulfilled and examined life. I started with Greek and Russian philosophers, but soon became fascinated by classical German and Roman thinkers. It felt as though Goethe, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and the Stoics were speaking directly to me, shaping my understanding of ethical living, true masculinity, and the importance of following one’s calling. Later, I expanded my favorites list to include Carl Jung, Erich Fromm, and Viktor Frankl.  

My interest in philosophy likely stemmed from growing up in a dysfunctional family, where otherwise good people made their home life unbearable. In my family system, my role was to support everyone and compensate for their shortcomings. Over time, this burden overwhelmed me, leading to the development of radical self-protection mechanisms. These helped me survive but deprived me of a real childhood and deeply influenced my adult life options.

My career path was far from ideal. Raised on the streets with little focus on education, I dropped out of middle school and worked factory shifts. However, I soon realized that despite my lack of formal education, my interests aligned with those of an intellectuals, and I needed to find my place in society. So, I returned to school to study computer science, seeing IT as my opportunity to build a future. It took me five years to land my first IT job, only to realize that machines weren’t my true passion—I wanted to lead people. Two years later, I secured my first managerial position and, from then on, led many teams with care and dedication. I worked both in Estonia and abroad, using my career as a platform for adventure, connecting with new people, and learning from great leaders.

At the time, I believed management was my calling, but people around me kept saying I was offering them something deeper than leadership and suggested I consider becoming a coach. Naturally, I laughed at the idea, thinking I needed a "real job." Ironically, a negative experience with an unethical coach sparked my interest in coaching. My manager at the time manipulated the company with endless intrigues, causing significant harm. Despite this, I learned how transformative coaching could be for individuals and organizations when done properly. So, I pursued further education, earning an MBA, and later became a PhD student at Estonia’s Business School. Simultaneously, I studied to become a coach and supervisor while healing old wounds through therapy.

The healing process was challenging. I had to dismantle the extreme defenses I built in childhood. Many times, it felt impossible, but I was determined to free myself from old protective roles and make space for healthier ones. Through years of hard work, I became more liberated in my thoughts, feelings, and actions, ultimately finding balance in life. My therapist described my transformation as one of the most remarkable she had witnessed in her 30-year career and suggested I consider becoming a family therapist. While I work with families indirectly by supporting orphanage caregivers as a supervisor, my true passion lies in working with free spirits—from artists to entrepreneurs—those who dare to create their own reality.

Now, I help people uncover their true selves and live meaningful lives by following their callings. My commitment to growth and self-exploration continues, and I invite you to join me on this rewarding path.  

Truly yours,  



I would never think that I will study one subject for three years or 700+ hours. But here I’m, happy for mastering this magical craft and grateful for being part of hundreds of incredible stories.

Psychodrama is a genius experiential learning method that reveals the inner world from the first-person perspective and gives a voice to the most important roles in our life. 

It was one of the greatest journeys so far and made me crave more - more clarity, freedom and happiness for myself and my coachees.

Thank you all who walked, taught and learned together with me.

My Final Thesis "Application of Roleplay in Executive Coaching" can be found here.



Four months of this inspiring study flew by as one day, incredible classmates made it unforgettable and have shown great examples that everything is possible if you are honest with yourself, ready to change and dedicated to your goals.

Besides learning about the ICF approach to coaching and various creative methods, I have found answers to the most important professional questions - who am I and what is my personal coaching model? 

I understood that I'm a teacher by my nature. My coaching style balances acceptance and support with a healthy dose of challenge. This helps my clients to see their blind spots and use natural strengths to overcome them. When coaching falls short of tools for doing a deeper exploration I rely on role-play to uncover hidden emotions and use them as a step forward.  


Dmitri Friesen Executive Coach


What an honor and a privilege to study in such a great school with such an amazing classmates!

Going back to school after ten years break was like a gift of a second youth. Exciting and mesmerizing period full of discoveries, fun new hobbies, and intense group works.  The further time goes forward the better it all feels. 

EBS is a truly inspiring place, full of bright and ambitious people striving for excellence. MBA studies taught me to see the global picture, understand the importance of working as a team and value diversity. After finishing my MBA I decided to continue as a Ph.D. but this is another story that I haven't finished yet. 
